visit for scanned images....
hi visit to view the scanned images of the replies we received from the Brtish Queen, the British PM, the British Museum, British Department of Culture etc.....
please appreciate that this blog is written by a person who is not an expert in blog writing or public writing or anything like please be kind to my failings as a blogger......i'm doing this blog in the public interest of the peoples of India who are the rightful owners of Indian Heritage including the Kohinnoor Diamond......the 1.17 billion peoples of India ought to be treated at least on par with the 60 million British peoples.....
true British heritage are rightfully owned by the British people.....and thus true Indian heritage are rightfully owned by the peoples of India......there cannot be double standards in this the British Queen has additional duties and obligations as she is also the Head of the Commonwealth of 53 member nations with circa 2 billion peoples and also as the Supreme Governor of Chruch of England whose name is invoked by most government departments in the UK akin to that of God......
Please help and support India and her 1.17 billion peoples in their quest to recover their heritage expropriated under the duress of British colonial occupation of India......Please don't punish the people of India for my short comings and failings as a human being or lawyer or writer or a blogger......This site is enriched by your visit.....thanks a lot....
If you are not scared of reading a little bit of legalese about the premises from the legal action is taken against the British Queen please visit This page also gives you a lot of information about the unique richness of Indian heritage etc
If you are unable to post any comments or has any complaints or suggestions to make, please feel free to contact me on
Thanks a Lot
How Can People Help 1.17 Billion Indians To Recover the Kohinnoor Diamond and Indian Heritage Expropriated Under the Duress of British Colonial Occupation of India?
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