Friday, 25 July 2008

My request to the workers of Her Majesty's Tax Department to pass a resolution for the return of the kohinnoor diamond

Hi the covering letter accompanying my tax returns which I forwarded to Her Majesty's HM Revenue and Customs or Inland Revenue (the UK tax department) I requested whether the workers of the British tax department or their trade union could pass a resolution requesting their Queen to repartiate to India the kohinnoor diamond and other invaluable Indian Heritage expropriated under the duress of colonial occupation.... In my humble request to the UK tax workers trade union I also the blog address for them to appreciate the extent of injustice in delaying the repartiation of the kohinnoor daimond and Indian Heritage in the hands of the British Monarch......British Trade Unions unlike the British Government has a good record of standing up against their governments injustices whether it was in Africa or in India......I fervently hope that they would support the cause and request the British Queen to do the honourable thing .....kohinnoor diamond and Indian Heritage as British Queen is a beneficiary of receiving stolen goods and by denying repartiation is guilty of the offence of receiving stolen goods as defined by British Criminal Laws.

Monday, 21 July 2008

visit for scanned images....

hi visit to view the scanned images of the replies we received from the Brtish Queen, the British PM, the British Museum, British Department of Culture etc.....

Sunday, 20 July 2008

forgive my spelling and grammar is going to continue...i am typing this under the duress of bugging and disconnection

hi forgive my spelling and grammar....i can type about 80 words per minute but the problem is that i don't know when my internet connection could get jammed or my emails or posting bear with me....if my english is not good don't worry...i don't worship english it is another language...of Indo-European is Latin and Greek and French.....this blog is not deploy my liguistic prowess but to facilitate the recovery of the kohinnoor diamond and indian heritage....whether i am a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Budhist, Jain, Jew or Atheist does not matter....for the time being....if i want to flirt with girls i would.....but it is not at the expense of sacrificing the desire to recover the kohinnoor diamond and indian heritage....hey guys i never promised that i am blah blah....i am just me a humble indian ....who loves india more than anything else....then again that is my biggest weakness or is it a strength? frankly i don't know and i don't is too short....a hundred years of human life is about 3.15 billion seconds!!!!!!!

British Queen the Head of Church of England and her obligations to repatriate the Kohinnoor Diamond and Indian Heritage

Hi friends....the British Queen is also the Supreme Governor of the Church of England or the Anglican Church...the coronation of the British Monarch is presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury- the Head of the Anglican Church....the British Monarch appoints the this sense the British Queen is like the Pope in his capacity as the Head of the Catholic Church.....What did late Pope John Paul the Second did.... ? He went and apologised to the Jewish people for the atrocities committed by the Catholic Church against the Jewish people....what is Pope Benedict doing now..? He is apologising to the victims of paedophilia by Catholic priests in America and Australia....What is the Supreme Governor of Church of England the British Queen doing...? just enjoying the fruits of stolen heritage such as the kohinnoor diamond....on the 60th anniversary of India's independence on 15 August 2007 I rang the British PM's office and delivered them an uncomfortable message...."British Queen who heads the British Government of the Old Boys Network, by the Old Boys Network for the Old Boys Network ought to quit the leadership of the Commonwealth as she still perpetuates the empire under the cover of the privileges granted to her by the peoples of the commonwealth....through even social titles like Lord, Knight, Order, Commander etc of the British Empire awarding them to British citizens and pliable/innocent foreign nationals.....Downing Street put the phone down on me.....big deal...

The Tribulations of My Lawyers Wills & Wills in Agreeing to Act for the Recovery of the Kohinnoor Diamond

Wills Mathews the principal advocate of Wills & Wills is an extremely modest human being....he does not even want to talk about the problems he faced simply because he agreed to act for me as a public spirited person in the recovery of the kohinnoor diamond....his telephones were bugged....there were occassions when he felt being stalked by vehicles at different times....his staff being non-operative.....his computer and blackberry or blue berry or whatever you call them being disabled....his internet connection going down for days.....his email account being flooded with about 900 pornographic messages and name....would some public spirited citizens in India file a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) to ensure protection to the person and property of this great soul? If I had the money I would have but I am now a poor cleaner.....what a fall from grace for me from an Advocate of the Supreme Court of India, An author of a book on law...a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of India.....then again it is not about is not about media glamour and glitter and celebrity is about the recovery of the kohinnoor diamond and indian heritage which belongs to all indians hindus, muslims, sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Atheists, men, women and our future....the children of India.....please read the previous posts and my research titled instructions to wills by clicking on the bottom of the page at Older Posts.....

The Implications of the Order to the British Queen Dated 30 June 2008

The injunction order to the British Queen (it was not a request).....Mahatma Gandhie's order to the British Empire and Monarch to quit india was not a request but an order although it took some time for the British with their oxbridge arrogance to comply with....and this delay, deceit etc was the major contributing factor of Britain losing its empire altogether which was a good thing for the peoples of the commonwealth... The bottom line is- thieves or receivers of stolen goods from thieves can be ordered and the British Queen is a receiver of stolen goods in the case of the kohinnoor diamond and indian heritage accomplished through contracts, deeds of accession, legal documents, judicial process etc under the duress of colonial occupation... The Deputy Governor of Tower of London Colonel R E Harrold OBE (Order of the British Empire...still the empire is very much kicking and alive in their minds and demeanour!) in his reply to me dated 9 July 2008 stated and I quote- "Thank you for your letter of 30 June 2008 regarding the kohinnoor diamond (he imposed the spelling koh-i-n00r just like they impose the pronounciation and spelling of himalays and ganga as ganges to insult indians whilst bending over backwards to pronounce and spell French words correctly...) The letter of Colonel R E Harrold continues, "The Koh-i-noor forms part of the Royal Collection which is owned by the Sovereign (British Queen) on behalf of the Nation. Decisions regarding items in the Royal Collection are a matter for Her Majesty the Queen. Our role at the Tower of London is merely to ensure their safe keeping. I regret that I cannot be of any further assistance in this matter. Yours Sincerely, Colonel R E Harrold OBE, Deputy Governor, Tel:020 3166 6220, Fax 020 3166 6225, Copy to Johnson Thomas Karingozhakal, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Ford, Buckingham Palace." End of quote. Colonel Harrold may be a very honourable human being who failed to appreciate how people of india who are day in and out reminded that they are from Third World (implication being Britain as First World)....with the BBC (originally British Broad Casting Corporation now functioning as British Bragging Corporation) with their file pictures only of ruins, floods, slums, disease etc in India to the boot whenever India is mentioned in the news....even after a Britain which had nothing other than potatoes (after the spanish brought it here) strawberries and rasperries in their export basket prior to industrial revolution to export to india....when india had diamonds, pearls, sahutosh, dhaka muslin, pashminas, saffron, sandalwood, pepper, cardamom and gifted the City to the then Third World Britain....please appreciate colonel how you trample upon our sensitivities....would you like us calling you Third World Before the Industrial Revolution....then please kindly appreciate our sensitivities.... Why do you colonel want to be an Officer of the British Empire even after Mahatma Gandhi sacrificing his own life for the cause of our liberation from British Empire want to continue to call yourself OBE? What are your views on the Commonwealth Charter colonel is it simply perpetuate your empire or to advance democracy amongst the 53 member nations and its circa 1.2 billion people....please colonel have a word with lieutant colonel Andrew Ford about these issues so that Elizabeth Second do understand that the privilege to be the Head of the Commonwealth is not a licence to perpetuate her little empire in her mind through the commonwealth charter......

Our Order to the British Queen Regarding the Kohinnoor Diamond Dated 30 June 2008

A private injunction order was issued by the lawyers wills & wills to the British Queen through the governor of the Tower of London who is in charge of the upkeep and protection of the kohinnoor diamond on 30 June 2008.......of course there is the question of legitimacy of issuing an order to the British Monarch; Queen Elizabeth the Second who is used to the sychophancy of the courtiers.....and psychophants in could a private Indian Citizen that too from the Third World India without any Oxbridge education even think about it? Don't worry ....neither the British Queen nor the governor of the Tower of London has have no contest about the legitimacy of the ordeer issued to them not to tamper with, remove, vary or alter or the shape or qualities of the Kohinnoor Diamond including to make jewels for the spoilt royal siblings until the dispute is it will be construed as an act of terrorism on Indian Heritage, Right to Culture, Right to Religion etc which are all universly guaranteed know more about this please read the next post and please appreciate this in the context of my research summarised as Instructions by clicking Older Posts below at the right hand bottom of the page....

my apologies for spelling Gandhi wrong...

one of the kind observers of my blog pointed out to me that i spelt Gandhi wrongly....i sincerely apologise for this typographical mistake...