Sunday, 20 July 2008

The Implications of the Order to the British Queen Dated 30 June 2008

The injunction order to the British Queen (it was not a request).....Mahatma Gandhie's order to the British Empire and Monarch to quit india was not a request but an order although it took some time for the British with their oxbridge arrogance to comply with....and this delay, deceit etc was the major contributing factor of Britain losing its empire altogether which was a good thing for the peoples of the commonwealth... The bottom line is- thieves or receivers of stolen goods from thieves can be ordered and the British Queen is a receiver of stolen goods in the case of the kohinnoor diamond and indian heritage accomplished through contracts, deeds of accession, legal documents, judicial process etc under the duress of colonial occupation... The Deputy Governor of Tower of London Colonel R E Harrold OBE (Order of the British Empire...still the empire is very much kicking and alive in their minds and demeanour!) in his reply to me dated 9 July 2008 stated and I quote- "Thank you for your letter of 30 June 2008 regarding the kohinnoor diamond (he imposed the spelling koh-i-n00r just like they impose the pronounciation and spelling of himalays and ganga as ganges to insult indians whilst bending over backwards to pronounce and spell French words correctly...) The letter of Colonel R E Harrold continues, "The Koh-i-noor forms part of the Royal Collection which is owned by the Sovereign (British Queen) on behalf of the Nation. Decisions regarding items in the Royal Collection are a matter for Her Majesty the Queen. Our role at the Tower of London is merely to ensure their safe keeping. I regret that I cannot be of any further assistance in this matter. Yours Sincerely, Colonel R E Harrold OBE, Deputy Governor, Tel:020 3166 6220, Fax 020 3166 6225, Copy to Johnson Thomas Karingozhakal, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Ford, Buckingham Palace." End of quote. Colonel Harrold may be a very honourable human being who failed to appreciate how people of india who are day in and out reminded that they are from Third World (implication being Britain as First World)....with the BBC (originally British Broad Casting Corporation now functioning as British Bragging Corporation) with their file pictures only of ruins, floods, slums, disease etc in India to the boot whenever India is mentioned in the news....even after a Britain which had nothing other than potatoes (after the spanish brought it here) strawberries and rasperries in their export basket prior to industrial revolution to export to india....when india had diamonds, pearls, sahutosh, dhaka muslin, pashminas, saffron, sandalwood, pepper, cardamom and gifted the City to the then Third World Britain....please appreciate colonel how you trample upon our sensitivities....would you like us calling you Third World Before the Industrial Revolution....then please kindly appreciate our sensitivities.... Why do you colonel want to be an Officer of the British Empire even after Mahatma Gandhi sacrificing his own life for the cause of our liberation from British Empire want to continue to call yourself OBE? What are your views on the Commonwealth Charter colonel is it simply perpetuate your empire or to advance democracy amongst the 53 member nations and its circa 1.2 billion people....please colonel have a word with lieutant colonel Andrew Ford about these issues so that Elizabeth Second do understand that the privilege to be the Head of the Commonwealth is not a licence to perpetuate her little empire in her mind through the commonwealth charter......


Anonymous said...

Very inforamtive and worth reading

Anonymous said...

It's time to take back what belongs to us .