Friday 25 July 2008

My request to the workers of Her Majesty's Tax Department to pass a resolution for the return of the kohinnoor diamond

Hi the covering letter accompanying my tax returns which I forwarded to Her Majesty's HM Revenue and Customs or Inland Revenue (the UK tax department) I requested whether the workers of the British tax department or their trade union could pass a resolution requesting their Queen to repartiate to India the kohinnoor diamond and other invaluable Indian Heritage expropriated under the duress of colonial occupation.... In my humble request to the UK tax workers trade union I also the blog address for them to appreciate the extent of injustice in delaying the repartiation of the kohinnoor daimond and Indian Heritage in the hands of the British Monarch......British Trade Unions unlike the British Government has a good record of standing up against their governments injustices whether it was in Africa or in India......I fervently hope that they would support the cause and request the British Queen to do the honourable thing .....kohinnoor diamond and Indian Heritage as British Queen is a beneficiary of receiving stolen goods and by denying repartiation is guilty of the offence of receiving stolen goods as defined by British Criminal Laws.

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